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Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Gone Fishin'


Ana said...

Daca nu ma insel, tot Lacul Morii. Frumoasa serie.

e said...

i enjoy your photographic style and artistic vision, especially in your black and white images.

Eduardo Valente said...

Beautiful photos on your blog!

gavin hart said...

Neat set! Great exposure and tonal distribution. The dark figures punctuating the texture of the ice works well. ... I wouldn't want to step into one of those holes! ;-)

Mirela Momanu said...

Una din placerile iernii: copca:) Frumoase tare o mica intrebare: vignetarea cadrului 7 provine de la parasolar? Da bine..

GabrielTBalanescu said...

When I took the shots I placed my polarization filter directly over the UV filter, thus obtaining the corners which Mirela so kindly noted ;).
Thank you all for passing by and comments. Regards to all of you

Dungha said...

excelent lucrat stimabile,

Cris said...


Carina Felice, Photography said...

fantastic serie, its simply fantastic.
Well done Gabriel :)

Sebastian Stoian said...

faina serie,interesanta. buna captura, a muscat bine..lumina buna si bafta in continuare.

Unknown said...

interesanta serie.primele doua ma atrag mai mult.

Valentina Sarosi said...

Când am vazut titlul seriei de fotografii, mintea mi-a sarit repede la Chris Rea, la Gone Fishing-ul lui, la textul melodiei lui :)