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Wednesday, 5 August 2009

If it's Sunday it's church time (Black and White)


Anonymous said...

eu nu ii inteleg pe oamenii astia. parca sunt rupti de lume, de "modernitate". Oricum interesant picture-story-ul.

yuki said...

is Maramu a women's land? :)
is there a story beyond the absence of men?

GabrielTBalanescu said...

The area is a mining and lumber works zone of the country, in fact there are a lot of widows and from their telling most of their men worked the copper mines, thus died of silicosis when in their 40's. A more modern reason for the absence of men, being also the departure of those to work abroad. As Romania struggles with social problems, loss of population is becoming an increasingly difficult problem, to top it the country has a negative growth rate.

yuki said...

Thank you, Gabriel, for submitting the details.
It is probably most difficult for the few men that live in Maramu. I imagine they have so little choices left. The grief of these women would force a man to hide or run away. Perhaps to become authoritarian and violent is another option.
As the young go abroad, for the elderly is sadness or disgust that remains. Few of the men faces in your series made me presume this.
Yet, watching the costumes and the customs, I assume life was once more cheerful and loud.

GabrielTBalanescu said...

Don't get me wrong, it still does have it's cheer and life color, suffice it to say that modernity comes with a cost, so do the rest of things, ..., abuse changes expressions and most of the time such abuse does not have to come from outside or within, it is the change itself which forced upon people will result in further abuse. This area was once the pride and glory of forest loving people, full of respect for the balance between human presence and nature's forests are disappearing with the speed of light...leaving the door open for many potential interpretations... :)

marius grozea said...

buna serie,bine mers!

Stela Plamada said...

excelente cadre ! imi plac personajele ! parca ai citi o carte din literatura romana ! f frumos ! felicitari !